Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Network Analysis Dialog

The Network Analysis dialog is only available with the “Bentley Map” and “Bentley Map Enterprise” editions of this product.

Used to control the creation, tracing, display, and exporting of a network layer. It also enables the user to view costs associated with edges and nodes.

Network Analysis dialog

Layer Names list box (not labeled) Displays the master list of layer names.
Create Opens the Create dialog, which contains controls that handle the configuration, naming, and creation of a network layer. It enables the user to perform the following configuration tasks:
  • setting the SQL statement for edge costs and edge filters, and
  • setting the SQL statement for node costs and node filters.
View Costs After selection of an edge or a node, the Node Costs dialog or the Edge Costs dialog opens, which enables viewing the costs associated with nodes and edges. It is possible to modify the values and click update, which updates the costs associated with the nodes or edges.
Trace Opens the Trace dialog, which enables to perform the following types of analysis on existing layers:
  • Shortest path — which measures the shortest path, with the least resistance, from point A to point B
  • Radial Search — which measures the distance in a specified circular path around a given point (with the least resistance). Edges that are not completely within the search distance are segmented and the part that is within the search distance is included
  • Trace Forward — which measures the edges and/or nodes that are downstream from a specified point
  • Trace Back — which measures all the upstream edges and/or nodes from a specified point
Note: A Trace can originate from anywhere on an edge.
Delete Deletes the highlighted network layer.
Display Displays the network layer highlighted in the Network Analysis dialog.
Add Opens the Add dialog.
File > Exit Closes the Network Analysis dialog.
Options > Draw Arrows If on (checked), displays the direction (using arrow heads) of the line based on the order of its vertices. The original line direction is determined by how the line was (originally) digitized or drawn. However, it is possible to reverse the line direction using the Change Element Direction tool in the Curves toolbox. Default is On.